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The Importance of Timely Updates for Windows Workstations and Servers

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of security threats, software bugs, and compatibility issues is crucial for maintaining a robust and efficient IT infrastructure. This is especially true for organizations relying on Windows workstations and servers, which form the backbone of many enterprise environments. However, the approach to applying updates and patches requires a balanced strategy, blending timely application with cautious evaluation. Let’s explore why updates for Windows workstations and servers are critical, the benefits of automating this process, and the reasons why immediate adoption of the latest patches might not always be the best course of action.

Why Updates Cannot Be Ignored


The primary reason for applying updates is to address security vulnerabilities. Cybercriminals and hackers are continually developing new methods to exploit vulnerabilities in software. By patching these vulnerabilities promptly, you significantly reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack, protecting sensitive data and maintaining customer trust.

Performance and Stability

Updates often contain fixes for bugs that affect the performance and stability of Windows systems. Regularly updating ensures that your workstations and servers are running optimally, leading to improved productivity and user satisfaction.


New software and applications often require the latest system updates to function correctly. Keeping your systems up to date ensures compatibility with the latest technologies, enabling your organization to leverage new tools and features as they become available.

The Case for Automation

Manually checking, testing, and applying updates is a time-consuming and error-prone process, particularly for organizations with a large number of systems. Automation simplifies this process by:

  • Ensuring updates are applied consistently across all systems.
    Reducing the likelihood of human error, such as missing an update.
    Allowing IT staff to focus on more strategic tasks, rather than routine maintenance.

Why Not Always Rush for the Latest Patches?

While staying current is vital, immediately applying the latest patches on “patch day” can sometimes introduce new risks. Here’s why some caution is warranted:

#### Stability Concerns

New patches, especially major updates, can sometimes cause system instability or compatibility issues with existing software. Immediate deployment without adequate testing could disrupt business operations.

Quality Control

Occasionally, patches may contain errors or not perform as intended. Microsoft might retract or revise such updates. Applying them too hastily could necessitate additional work to undo or fix the issues.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Patch Management Strategy

Many organizations rely on Managed Service Providers (MSPs) for their IT management, including patch management. A prudent MSP typically adopts a strategy that includes:

  • Holding Patches: MSPs often wait a certain period before deploying new patches. This delay allows time for any significant issues with the updates to become apparent and addressed by Microsoft.
  • Testing: Before widespread deployment, MSPs test updates in a controlled environment to ensure they do not introduce problems.
  • Selective Deployment: Not all updates are critical for every system. MSPs tailor the deployment of patches based on the specific needs and configurations of each client’s infrastructure.

The management of updates for Windows workstations and servers is a critical component of IT infrastructure maintenance. While the timely application of patches is crucial for security, performance, and compatibility, a measured approach that includes automation and cautious evaluation of new patches ensures the best balance between staying current and maintaining system stability. By partnering with a knowledgeable MSP, organizations can navigate the complexities of patch management, ensuring their IT systems are both secure and reliable.

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Proactive IT Management: A Strategic Approach for Enhancing Business Resilience and Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations are increasingly recognizing the critical role that information technology (IT) plays in driving business success. As companies strive to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the distinction between proactive and reactive IT management has become more pronounced. Proactive IT management emerges as a strategic imperative, offering a pathway to enhance business resilience, operational efficiency, and ultimately, the bottom line.

What is Proactive IT Management?

Proactive IT management refers to the strategic approach of anticipating, identifying, and resolving IT issues before they escalate into significant problems. It involves regular monitoring, timely updates, and preventive measures to ensure IT systems and infrastructure are optimized, secure, and aligned with the business’s goals. Unlike reactive IT management, which addresses problems after they occur, proactive management focuses on preventing issues from happening in the first place.

The Advantages of Proactive IT Management

Improved Business Continuity and Reduced Downtime

Downtime can be incredibly costly for businesses, leading to lost productivity, revenue, and customer trust. Proactive IT management minimizes the risk of unexpected system failures and downtime by ensuring that IT systems are regularly updated, backed up, and monitored for potential threats. This approach not only safeguards data but also ensures that business operations run smoothly, enhancing overall business continuity.

Enhanced Security and Risk Management

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, the importance of robust IT security cannot be overstated. Proactive IT management involves continuous monitoring and the implementation of advanced security measures to detect and mitigate threats before they compromise business data. This proactive stance on security greatly reduces the risk of data breaches, protecting the company’s reputation and avoiding the high costs associated with recovery from security incidents.

Lower Long-Term Costs and Improved Return on Investment (ROI)

While proactive IT management may require an initial investment in tools, technologies, and expertise, it ultimately leads to significant cost savings in the long run. By preventing major IT failures and optimizing system performance, companies can avoid the high costs associated with emergency repairs, data recovery, and loss of business due to downtime. Furthermore, proactive management extends the lifespan of IT assets, maximizing their ROI.

Strategic Business Alignment

Proactive IT management ensures that IT strategies and systems are closely aligned with the business’s goals and objectives. This alignment facilitates better resource allocation, improves decision-making, and enables companies to be more agile and competitive in their respective markets.

The Role of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) in Proactive IT Management

For many organizations, especially small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the resources required for effective proactive IT management can be prohibitive. This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) come into play. MSPs offer a cost-effective solution by providing shared resources, advanced tools, and specialized expertise that individual companies might find financially impractical to maintain in-house.

Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies

MSPs leverage economies of scale to offer access to cutting-edge IT management tools and technologies. These tools enable comprehensive monitoring, security, and management of IT infrastructure, ensuring businesses can benefit from proactive IT strategies without the need for significant capital investment.

Specialized Expertise and Scalable Solutions

MSPs bring specialized IT expertise to the table, offering tailored advice and solutions that align with the unique needs of each business. This expertise is particularly valuable for managing complex IT environments and navigating the latest cyber threats. Additionally, MSP services are scalable, allowing businesses to adjust their IT support according to their growth and changing needs.

Cost-Effectiveness and Focus on Core Business Functions

By partnering with an MSP for proactive IT management, companies can achieve significant cost savings. This arrangement eliminates the need for a large in-house IT team, reduces capital expenditures on IT infrastructure, and minimizes the costs associated with downtime and data breaches. Furthermore, outsourcing IT management allows businesses to focus on their core functions and strategic initiatives, driving further growth and innovation.


In the digital age, proactive IT management is not just a best practice; it’s a necessity for businesses seeking to thrive amidst technological advancements and cyber threats. By adopting a proactive approach to IT management, companies can improve operational efficiency, enhance security, and achieve a competitive edge. Through the support of MSPs, even SMBs can access the tools, expertise, and strategic advantages needed to succeed, underscoring the value of proactive IT management in driving long-term business success.


Is Your MSP Doing Their Job? A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating Managed Service Providers

Navigating the intricate world of IT management, businesses often rely on managed service providers (MSPs) to streamline their technological operations. However, the effectiveness of an MSP is contingent upon their ability to not just promise but also deliver comprehensive services that meet your specific needs. Below, we delve deeper into critical areas to assess whether your MSP stands up to the test of true service delivery and integrity.

Integration and Utilization of Tools: Ensuring Cohesiveness

A proficient MSP distinguishes itself by employing an integrated suite of tools that cater to various IT requirements. These tools should seamlessly interact, facilitating a unified approach to managing your IT landscape. The absence of such integration could signal inefficiencies, potentially leading to operational hiccups or vulnerabilities in your system.

Promises Versus Reality: The Service Delivery Check

It’s not uncommon for MSPs to list an extensive range of services. However, the actual implementation of these services is what truly matters. Consider backup solutions as a pertinent example—has your MSP not only promised but also effectively installed and tested these services? This gap between promised and delivered services could expose your business to unnecessary risks.

Comprehensive Security: A Non-Negotiable Element

In the current digital era, a robust cybersecurity framework is imperative. Your MSP should offer not just basic security measures but a synchronized security system where tools and protocols work in concert. This integrated security approach is essential for a fortified defense against cyber threats. If your MSP’s security strategy seems fragmented or superficial, it’s time to reassess their capability.

Proactive Versus Reactive: The Approach to Problem Management

A key indicator of a superior MSP is their methodology in addressing IT challenges. Proactive MSPs preemptively tackle potential issues, a strategy that is crucial for reducing downtime and averting crises. On the other hand, reactive MSPs might only respond to problems as they occur, a practice that could lead to unnecessary disruptions.

Staff Expertise: Beyond Tool Dependency

While advanced IT tools are indispensable, the expertise of the MSP’s staff plays a crucial role. A dependable MSP employs a diverse team skilled in various domains such as network engineering, security, server management, and even physical infrastructure. Be wary of MSPs that overly rely on tools without possessing the necessary technical knowledge and experience.

Service Orientation Versus Technical Proficiency

Some MSPs focus more on selling services rather than proficiently delivering them. A commendable MSP, however, includes specialists across different IT areas, ensuring that every aspect of your IT infrastructure is under expert supervision. This balance between service sales and technical expertise is critical for a fruitful partnership.

Contractual Clarity: Flat Rate Versus Time and Materials

The nature of your agreement with the MSP significantly influences the service quality. While flat rate contracts offer predictability, ensure they comprehensively cover all your IT needs. Conversely, time and materials contracts may provide flexibility but can escalate costs if not closely monitored.

Documentation: The Blueprint of Your IT Infrastructure

An often-overlooked aspect of MSP services is the documentation of your IT infrastructure. This documentation should be thorough, up-to-date, and fully integrated with the MSP’s operational tools. It serves as a critical resource for understanding your current IT landscape, facilitating efficient management and troubleshooting. If your MSP fails to provide comprehensive documentation, it could be a sign of inadequate service.

Verifying MSP Performance: Ensuring Accountability

Especially for those on a flat rate contract, it’s essential to verify that your MSP is actively fulfilling their duties. A flat rate can, unfortunately, incentivize less scrupulous MSPs to minimize their workload, only addressing issues when systems fail. Regular audits and performance reviews can help ensure your MSP is proactive in maintaining your IT infrastructure, not just reacting to crises. This level of verification is paramount to holding your MSP accountable and ensuring you receive the value and protection your business deserves.


Selecting and evaluating an MSP requires a thorough examination of their service delivery, tool integration, staff expertise, and the tangible value they provide to your IT operations. By scrutinizing these areas and insisting on documentation and performance verification, you can ensure your MSP is not just a service provider but a true partner in your business’s success. Remember, a genuine MSP relationship is founded on transparency, technical acumen, and a proactive stance towards managing your IT ecosystem.

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Harnessing Sophos Security Solutions with Finite Technologies: A Partnership for Enhanced Cybersecurity

In the constantly evolving digital landscape, where cyber threats pose a significant challenge to businesses of any scale, the necessity for sophisticated and robust security measures is more pronounced than ever. Finite Technologies, in partnership with global cybersecurity leader Sophos, offers a comprehensive suite of security products designed to fortify businesses against a myriad of digital threats, including those stemming from social media interactions and keyloggers. By integrating Sophos Firewall, Endpoint Security, Wi-Fi protection, and the groundbreaking Synchronized Security system, this collaboration provides businesses with an unparalleled level of protection, ensuring their digital assets remain secure and resilient against potential data loss.

Sophos Firewall: The Gatekeeper Enhanced by Finite Technologies

Sophos Firewall serves as the cornerstone of an organization’s network defense, offering cutting-edge protection against external threats. With Finite Technologies’ expertise in implementation and customization, businesses can leverage Sophos Firewall’s capabilities to the fullest, benefiting from deep packet inspection, intrusion prevention, and AI-enhanced threat intelligence. This partnership ensures that threats are identified and mitigated before they can breach the network, effectively shielding against malware and attacks propagated through social media.

Endpoint Protection: Fortified by Finite Technologies

Sophos Endpoint Protection transcends traditional antivirus defenses by employing sophisticated technologies like machine learning and exploit prevention, tailored to the unique needs of businesses by Finite Technologies. This solution provides comprehensive defense against malware, ransomware, and emerging threats, with special attention to identifying and neutralizing keyloggers. Through behavior analysis and anomaly detection, Sophos Endpoint, implemented by Finite Technologies, ensures sensitive information remains secure, thwarting data exfiltration attempts.

Wi-Fi Security: Strengthened with Finite Technologies

Acknowledging the critical role of Wi-Fi in today’s business operations, Sophos Wi-Fi protection, enhanced by Finite Technologies, secures wireless networks with robust encryption and stringent access controls. This collaborative effort ensures that wireless networks are impervious to unauthorized access and vulnerabilities, offering a secure and flexible working environment for mobile and remote employees.

Synchronized Security: The Unified Approach with Finite Technologies

The collaboration between Finite Technologies and Sophos introduces businesses to Synchronized Security, a novel security model that interlinks firewall, endpoint security, and other Sophos solutions. This system, enriched by Finite Technologies’ integration services, facilitates real-time intelligence sharing and automated threat response across the network. The synergy between Sophos’s advanced solutions and Finite Technologies’ implementation expertise significantly enhances security response times and efficacy, dramatically reducing the risk of data breaches.

Leveraging the Finite Technologies and Sophos Partnership

Finite Technologies, as a Sophos Partner, brings a new dimension to cybersecurity solutions for businesses. By combining Sophos’s comprehensive security suite with Finite Technologies’ tailored implementation and support services, businesses can achieve:

  • Deep network and device visibility for proactive threat detection.
  • Coordinated, automated responses to security incidents, minimizing potential damages.
  • Streamlined security management processes, allowing for more efficient resource allocation.

The digital age demands a proactive approach to cybersecurity, one that Sophos and Finite Technologies collaboratively offer to businesses. Through this partnership, companies can deploy an integrated, sophisticated defense mechanism against a broad spectrum of cyber threats, including those facilitated by social media and keyloggers. Embracing Sophos’s security solutions, with the support and expertise of Finite Technologies, empowers businesses to not only protect against data loss but also to uphold the integrity and trust of their digital engagements.

Contact Finite Technologies today to discuss how we can assist you.

Atomic macOS Stealer (AMOS) Malware

Navigating the Digital Minefield: The Dual Threat of Social Media and Keyloggers for Corporate Security

In today’s interconnected world, the seamless integration of social media into our daily lives has facilitated not just ease of communication but also a spike in cybersecurity threats, particularly for businesses. Among these threats, keyloggers represent a particularly insidious form of malware that can lead to significant financial losses for companies of any size. When combined, the vulnerabilities exposed through social media and the stealth of keyloggers create a formidable challenge for corporate security teams.

The Social Media Gateway

Social media platforms, by their nature, encourage sharing and interaction. However, this openness can also be exploited by cybercriminals to orchestrate sophisticated phishing attacks, distribute malware, or even gather personal information that can be used in targeted attacks. Employees may inadvertently expose sensitive company information on these platforms or click on malicious links, providing a foothold for attackers within the corporate network.

Keyloggers: The Silent Threat

Keyloggers are a type of surveillance software that, once installed on a victim’s device, record every keystroke made by the user. This data can include confidential emails, passwords, and other sensitive information, which is then sent back to the cybercriminal. The method of keylogger installation can vary, ranging from phishing emails to compromised websites, but the result is always a serious breach of privacy and security.

The Financial Implications

For businesses, the financial implications of a keylogger attack can be devastating. Cybercriminals can gain access to corporate bank accounts, initiate unauthorized transactions, or steal proprietary information that could be sold or used competitively. The loss of funds, combined with the potential damage to reputation and customer trust, can have long-lasting effects on a company’s financial health.

The Limitations of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Many organizations rely on two-factor authentication (2FA) as a cornerstone of their cybersecurity strategy, and with good reason. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves. However, while 2FA is effective against many types of attacks, it offers limited protection against keyloggers.

This limitation arises because once a keylogger is installed on a device, it can capture not just passwords but also the temporary codes generated by 2FA systems. If a cybercriminal is monitoring the compromised device in real time, they can use these codes to access secure systems before they expire. Thus, while 2FA is an essential tool in the cybersecurity arsenal, it is not a panacea.

Mitigating the Threat

To protect against the combined threat of social media and keyloggers, businesses must adopt a multi-layered security approach. This includes:

  • Employee Education:** Regular training sessions can help employees recognize phishing attempts and understand the risks associated with careless social media use.
  • Robust Security Policies:** Enforcing policies that limit the use of social media on company devices and networks can reduce the risk of malware infections.
  • Advanced Threat Detection:** Investing in sophisticated security software that can detect and neutralize keyloggers before they can do harm.
  • Regular Audits and Updates:** Keeping all systems up to date and conducting regular security audits can identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

The threat posed by social media and keyloggers to corporate security is significant and requires a comprehensive and proactive approach to mitigate. While tools like 2FA are valuable, they cannot fully protect against these threats on their own. By understanding the risks and implementing robust security measures, companies can better protect themselves from financial loss and maintain the trust of their customers.


The Vital Role of Proper Temperature in IT Equipment Rooms: A Non-Technical Guide

In today’s digital age, information technology (IT) has become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication to data storage and processing, IT equipment plays a crucial role in various industries. However, behind the scenes, there is a critical factor that often goes unnoticed by non-IT professionals – temperature. In this article, we will explore the importance of maintaining proper temperature in IT equipment rooms, explaining its impact on performance, reliability, and longevity.

  1. Temperature and Equipment Performance: Did you know that IT equipment is designed to operate within specific temperature ranges? Just like our bodies, computers and servers perform optimally when kept within their comfort zone. Excessive heat or cold can have adverse effects on their performance. High temperatures, for instance, can cause processors to throttle or slow down, resulting in sluggish response times and reduced efficiency. On the other hand, extremely cold temperatures may lead to hardware malfunctions or even complete failure. Maintaining an appropriate temperature ensures smooth operation and maximizes the potential of your IT equipment.
  1. Reliability and Downtime Prevention: Imagine the frustration of experiencing frequent system crashes or unexpected downtime at your workplace. These issues can be directly linked to improper temperature control in IT equipment rooms. Heat, in particular, is a major contributor to equipment failure. Excessive heat causes components to degrade faster, leading to increased chances of critical hardware failures. Such failures not only disrupt business operations but can also result in data loss and costly repairs. By maintaining an optimal temperature, you can minimize the risk of equipment failure, enhance reliability, and reduce unplanned downtime.
  1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings: Beyond the direct impact on IT equipment, temperature control in equipment rooms also plays a significant role in energy efficiency. Maintaining a stable temperature allows cooling systems to operate more efficiently, optimizing their energy consumption. When cooling systems work harder due to improper temperature control, energy bills skyrocket, creating unnecessary financial strain. By implementing proper temperature management practices, you can reduce energy consumption, save costs, and contribute to a greener environment.
  1. Longevity and Equipment Lifespan: IT equipment is a significant investment for any organization. To protect this investment and extend the lifespan of your equipment, temperature control is paramount. Heat is the enemy of electronic components, causing them to degrade over time. By providing a controlled environment with an appropriate temperature, you can slow down the aging process of your IT equipment and increase its longevity. This translates into cost savings by minimizing the need for premature replacements and upgrades.
  1. Best Practices for Temperature Control: Now that we understand the importance of proper temperature in IT equipment rooms, let’s highlight some best practices for effective temperature control:

a) Maintain a temperature range between 18°C and 24°C (64°F and 75°F) for optimal performance and reliability.

b) Ensure proper airflow within the equipment room to prevent heat pockets and facilitate efficient cooling.

c) Regularly clean equipment and vents to remove dust and debris, which can impede airflow and increase temperatures.

d) Invest in a reliable temperature monitoring system that alerts you of any fluctuations or anomalies in the equipment room.

e) Consider using energy-efficient cooling solutions, such as precision air conditioning units or hot aisle/cold aisle containment systems.

While the world of IT equipment rooms may seem complex and technical, understanding the importance of maintaining proper temperature is vital for anyone working in today’s digital landscape. By optimizing temperature control, you can improve equipment performance, enhance reliability, save costs, and prolong the lifespan of your IT investments. Remember, a small effort to ensure the right temperature today can lead to significant benefits in the long run.


Why Choose Finite Technologies as your MSP.

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, businesses need to have a reliable and secure IT infrastructure in place. However, managing this infrastructure can be a challenging task, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like Finite Technologies Incorporated (FTI) come into the picture. With over three decades of experience in the tech industry, FTI has established itself as a trustworthy and reliable MSP partner. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the advantages of choosing FTI as an MSP, with a focus on their partnership with Sophos security solutions and Kaseya.

Firstly, let’s take a look at why FTI’s long history in the tech industry is an advantage. Founded in 1990, FTI has a wealth of experience in providing IT services to a wide range of clients. This experience has allowed them to develop a deep understanding of the industry and its evolving needs, enabling them to deliver innovative and effective solutions to their customers. Additionally, their longevity in the market is a testament to their ability to adapt to changing technologies and market demands, ensuring that they remain relevant and competitive.

Now, let’s focus on FTI’s partnership with Sophos security solutions. Sophos is a globally recognized leader in cybersecurity, offering a wide range of products and services to protect businesses against evolving cyber threats. As a Sophos partner, FTI can provide their clients with best-in-class security solutions that are tailored to meet their specific needs. From endpoint protection and firewall solutions to secure email and web gateways, Sophos offers a comprehensive suite of security products that can be customized to meet the unique needs of SMBs. This partnership enables FTI to deliver a robust and reliable security solution to their clients, ensuring that their IT infrastructure is protected against the latest cyber threats.

Another significant advantage of choosing FTI as an MSP is their partnership with Kaseya. Kaseya is a leading provider of IT infrastructure management solutions, offering a suite of products that enable MSPs to efficiently manage their clients’ IT infrastructure. By partnering with Kaseya, FTI can leverage their products to deliver proactive IT infrastructure management to their clients. This includes automating routine IT tasks, monitoring network performance, and providing real-time alerts, backup solutions (on-site an d cloud), complaisance management and more. All of this provides a proactive approach to IT management can help prevent downtime and ensure that business operations run smoothly while controlling your overall cost of ownership.

Choosing FTI as an MSP provides several advantages for SMBs. FTI’s long history in the tech industry, coupled with their partnerships with leading companies like Sophos and Kaseya, enables them to deliver innovative and effective IT solutions to their clients. With their focus on providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client, FTI is an excellent choice for SMBs looking to streamline their IT infrastructure management and ensure that their business operations run smoothly.


Unauthorized Usage of DNS over HTTPS: Addressing Security Implications

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) has revolutionized DNS resolution, providing users with enhanced privacy and security. However, like any technology, its adoption introduces new challenges. One critical concern is the potential unauthorized usage of DNS over HTTPS within a network. In this article, we will explore the security implications of unauthorized DoH usage and discuss measures to mitigate the associated risks, ensuring a secure network environment.

    1. Evasion of Network Monitoring: Unauthorized usage of DNS over HTTPS can evade network monitoring and security controls. By encrypting DNS traffic, it becomes challenging for network administrators to detect and analyze DNS activities. This evasion can allow malicious actors to conduct covert activities and bypass security measures, increasing the risk of data breaches or infiltration.
    2. Endpoint Security Risks: If unauthorized users utilize DNS over HTTPS on a network, it opens doors to potential endpoint security risks. These users may access malicious websites or inadvertently expose sensitive information by bypassing security measures implemented at the DNS level. This can compromise the integrity and confidentiality of network resources and user data.
    3. Difficulty in Malware Detection: DNS over HTTPS can hinder the detection of malware within a network. Traditional security solutions that rely on DNS-based threat intelligence and blocking mechanisms may become less effective, as encrypted DNS traffic obscures the visibility of malicious activities. Unauthorized DoH usage can provide an avenue for malware to propagate undetected, exacerbating the risk of infections and data loss.
    4. Network Control Challenges: The unauthorized adoption of DNS over HTTPS undermines network control and policy enforcement. Network administrators lose visibility and control over DNS traffic, making it challenging to implement content filtering, parental controls, or enforce compliance policies effectively. This lack of control exposes the network to potential security breaches and policy violations.

To address the security implications and mitigate the risk of unauthorized DNS over HTTPS usage, organizations can take the following measures:

a. Network Monitoring Enhancements: Implement advanced network monitoring solutions that can inspect encrypted DNS traffic, detect anomalies, and analyze behavior patterns to identify potential unauthorized usage.

b. User Awareness and Education: Raise awareness among users about the risks associated with unauthorized DoH usage and provide guidance on secure DNS practices. Educate users about the importance of following organizational policies and using authorized DNS resolvers.

c. DNS Firewalling and Filtering: Deploy DNS firewalling and filtering solutions that can enforce DNS policies and prevent unauthorized DoH usage. This helps to regain control over DNS traffic and mitigate potential security risks.

d. Endpoint Security Measures: Strengthen endpoint security by implementing robust antivirus, anti-malware, and endpoint protection solutions. These measures can detect and mitigate potential threats originating from unauthorized DNS over HTTPS usage.

The unauthorized usage of DNS over HTTPS within a network poses significant security implications. By evading network monitoring, increasing endpoint security risks, and complicating malware detection, it exposes organizations to various threats. However, through enhanced network monitoring, user awareness, DNS firewalling, and endpoint security measures, organizations can effectively mitigate these risks. By taking proactive steps to manage and secure DNS traffic, organizations can maintain a robust network environment that balances privacy and security.

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The Financial and Environmental Benefits of Powering Down Workstations

In today’s digital-centric world, workstations form the backbone of many businesses and personal projects. However, the energy consumed by these computers when left on continuously can lead to both financial and environmental costs. By adopting a simple habit of powering down workstations when they are not in use, significant savings can be achieved. This approach not only benefits the wallet but also contributes to environmental sustainability. Let’s delve into the potential savings that can be realized by powering down computers and how this small change can have a big impact, especially when applied across multiple workstations.

Calculating the Potential Savings

To quantify the savings, let’s use a base electricity rate of $0.21 per kilowatt-hour (KWh) (Anchorage Alaska January 2024) and consider the average power consumption of a desktop computer to be 100 watts during active use. For our analysis, we’ll compare the energy consumption and costs of a computer left on 24/7 to one that is powered down for 16 hours a day, focusing on the savings from not operating the computer during those off hours.

Scenario: Computers Left On 24/7 vs. Powered Down for 16 Hours

Daily Consumption When Left On 24/7:

      • Active use (8 hours) + Idle (16 hours): 100 watts * 24 hours = 2.4 KWh
      • Monthly Consumption: 2.4 KWh * 30 = 72 KWh
      • Monthly Cost: 72 KWh * $0.21/KWh = $15.12

Daily Consumption When Powered Down for 16 Hours:

      • Only Active use (8 hours): 100 watts * 8 hours = 0.8 KWh
      • Monthly Consumption: 0.8 KWh * 30 = 24 KWh
      • Monthly Cost: 24 KWh * $0.21/KWh = $5.04

Savings From Powering Down:

Monthly Savings Per Workstation:

    • $15.12 (Cost when left on 24/7) – $5.04 (Cost when powered down) = $10.08

Annual Savings Per Workstation:

    • $10.08 * 12 = $120.96

Scaling Up: The Impact of Multiple Workstations

When these savings are applied across multiple workstations, the cumulative impact becomes even more significant:

10 Workstations:

      • Monthly Savings: $10.08 * 10 = $100.80
      • Annual Savings: $100.80 * 12 = $1,209.60

50 Workstations:

      • Monthly Savings: $10.08 * 50 = $504
      • Annual Savings: $504 * 12 = $6,048

100 Workstations:

      • Monthly Savings: $10.08 * 100 = $1,008
      • Annual Savings: $1,008 * 12 = $12,096


The practice of powering down workstations when not in use presents a straightforward and impactful strategy for reducing energy consumption, lowering electricity costs, and contributing to environmental sustainability. The financial savings, particularly when scaled across multiple workstations, are significant, underscoring the benefits of integrating energy-efficient practices into daily operations. By making a conscious effort to power down computers outside of active use hours, businesses and individuals can enjoy not only economic benefits but also the satisfaction of contributing to a more sustainable future.


Why Choosing an MSP Over In-House IT Departments Reduces Long-Term Cost of Ownership

As businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and innovation, the importance of efficient and effective IT infrastructure cannot be overstated. Many organizations face the decision of whether to manage their IT needs in-house or outsource to a managed service provider (MSP). In this article, I will outline the key reasons why choosing an MSP over an in-house IT department can lead to reduced long-term cost of ownership for your company.

Expertise and Specialization – One of the major advantages of partnering with an MSP is the access to a broad range of expertise and specialization. An MSP has a team of experienced professionals with diverse skill sets, ensuring that your company’s IT needs are met with the best practices and most up-to-date knowledge. In contrast, an in-house IT department may lack the breadth and depth of expertise required to keep pace with rapidly evolving technology, resulting in a higher long-term cost of ownership due to the need for continuous training and development.

Scalability and Flexibility – As your business grows, your IT needs will inevitably expand as well. MSPs offer scalable and flexible solutions that can be adjusted according to your company’s changing requirements. This enables your organization to adapt to new technologies and increased workloads without incurring the substantial costs of hiring and training new IT staff. In contrast, an in-house IT department may struggle to meet the demands of a growing organization, leading to inefficiencies and increased long-term costs.

Proactive Maintenance and Monitoring – MSPs use advanced monitoring tools and proactive maintenance strategies to identify and resolve potential issues before they become critical. This not only minimizes downtime and disruptions to your business operations but also extends the life of your IT infrastructure, reducing long-term costs. In comparison, an in-house IT department may be more reactive than proactive, addressing issues as they arise rather than preventing them from occurring in the first place.

Enhanced Security – With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, ensuring the security of your company’s data and systems is paramount. MSPs possess the knowledge and resources to implement robust security measures that protect your organization from potential breaches. This can help your company avoid the financial and reputational damages associated with data breaches, which can be devastating in the long run. In-house IT departments may lack the necessary expertise to implement such advanced security measures, putting your company at greater risk.

Predictable and Lower Costs – One of the key benefits of choosing an MSP is the predictability of costs. MSPs typically offer fixed monthly or annual fees, allowing your company to budget accurately for IT expenses. This is in stark contrast to the potentially fluctuating costs associated with an in-house IT department, which may require additional funding for training, hiring, equipment, and other unforeseen expenses. Furthermore, MSPs can leverage economies of scale to offer more competitive pricing than in-house IT departments, ultimately reducing long-term cost of ownership.

Partnering with an MSP can provide your company with access to specialized expertise, scalable solutions, proactive maintenance, enhanced security, and predictable costs. These advantages contribute to a reduced long-term cost of ownership when compared to managing an in-house IT department. By choosing Finite Technologoies as your MSP, your organization can focus on its core competencies while benefiting from a robust and efficient IT infrastructure that supports your business objectives.